Friday, December 18, 2009

Sister Sarah

by Dennis Green

Don’t you just love it. Sista Sarah Palin capturing the far right wing of the “NoBama” GOP, and stiffing John McCain and all his staffers in the process. I pray to the gods of our founding that she succeeds.

Because a majority of Americans are really stupid, gullible and easily led, we as a nation get what we deserve, especially in the way of leaders. These half-wits and dimwits and nitwits joined together, after all, to elect George W. Bush twice, well, at least one and a half times. They also, in a kind of knee-jerk reaction against their own previous choices, then elected Obama.

Go figure.

But the populist popularity of Sarah Palin is truly breath-taking and mind-boggling, to say the least. She comes off, in her book and in her interviews, as self-righteous, defensive, shallow, uninformed and biased. A perfect fit, perhaps, for the American electorate.

If the U.S. Congress has proven itself totally dysfunctional in regard to health care reform, they merely have proven themselves representative of the American people, who continue electing these dolts, as doppelgangers of the voters, to office. And yet, only 14% hold Congress in high regard, even less than poll as respecting the GOP, only 17%.

Sarah is perfect. She’s not elitist, i.e., educated or sophisticated or complicated in any sense. Not from New York, or even San Francisco, let alone Capone’s Chicago. She loves her “First Dude” and carried his latest baby to full-term in spite of its disabilities. Like a majority of Americans, she believes in the “Right to Life,” unless you have four legs.

I can just imagine her in the White House, and I hope that you can too. Tupperware Parties! A single parent mother in the West Wing, along with the First Bastard Grandchild… Re-decorations with indoor/outdoor carpeting and chintz. New White House china from WalMart…

And from the White House, she’ll be able to see the Pentagon, and order our military forces into battle in Iran, going rogue big time!

But if Americans, in a moment of inattention, can elect a black man to the presidency, someone they can’t stand by even to the end of his first year in office, they can surely elect a redneck woman, and quickly abandon her too. With a media devoted 24/7 to tearing any president down, she will provide them far more comic fodder than even George W. “What Me Worry?” Bush did. They’ll have a field day. And so will you.

But with global warming, and a “Mayan” calendar ending at 2012, it may not really matter which of the many un-qualified candidates American elect to national office. If “The End of the World Is At Hand,” who really gives a damn? Not me.

©2009 Dennis Green

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