by Dennis Green
Now that the Republicans have 41 seats in the Senate, out of 100, they should definitely try to impeach President Obama. He is not a leader. He is weak. He is certainly not a Ronald Reagan, let alone a George W. Bush.
So, if Newt Gingrich and his “Contract on America” gang could impeach Bill Clinton for having oral sex in the Oval Office, conservatives such as John McCain and Joe Lieberman should be able to impeach Obama for having sex upstairs, instead of achieving health care reform.
I know, I know, the Democrats say that if healthcare fails, those 38 million Americans without coverage will never vote Republican again. But who can count on them, anyway?
No, I would advise Republicans, just keep on voting “No!” on everything, except impeachment. Just because Obama hasn’t had a 9/11 on his watch — yet! — it could still happen, and Republicans have to hope that it does. What else could get him to invade Yemen?
Obama, after all, has retained a high personal approval rating only by deferring to Congress, and letting them look like fools. So the American people would rather hate a woman, like Nancy Pelosi…so what?
And the gender wars are still working for the GOP! Why else, in Massachusetts, would a man known primarily as a truck driver, whip a woman’s ass big time! What does she drive? Huh? Huh? A Toyota Prius? A minivan? I ask you.
And this is just the beginning of a populist revolt against that Socialist, that Knee-Grow, who hasn’t dipped a teabag in the First Lady’s cup — ever! We have a vision, and it comes straight from Massachusetts…witch trials! Burn ‘em all at the stake!
Who really cares about health care? It’s all about jobs! jobs! jobs! And mobs! mobs! mobs! Who is left on Obama’s side? Rahm Emmanuel? That guy was Bill Clinton’s political advisor, and look how that turned out! And he’s just one of many D.C. political hacks recycled by Obama.
So I say…let’s impeach him! If it was good enough for a good Orange County Quaker like Dick Nixon, it’s good enough for a half-breed Baptist from Nigeria like Barrack Hussein Obama. And the work won’t be finished there. Once we’ve installed Joe Biden as our new President, we can begin voting all the other incumbents out of office. Including that new guy in Massachusetts…
Why, a year from now, there could be 41 Democrats in the Senate and a white man in the White House, as its name implies the residence is intended. We can take back America now.
And as for all those dead bodies in Haiti..? Just imagine how many White Castle mini-burgers you could make!
©2010 Dean Swift
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