by Dennis Green
John McCain is homophobic. In spite of testimony by Admiral Mullens and other high military officials that “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” is a failed policy that imposes a lack of integrity on U.S. troops, McCain sticks to his guns, or to his notions, his perfect pictures.
But homophobia isn’t a rational fear at all, so why expect a failed candidate like McCain to wise up now? Never mind that all of our allies — including Australia, Canada and Great Britain — have dropped their bans. Hot shot Top Guns like McCain must know better.
So we’re dealing with the usual congressional (yawn!) dysfunctions. “Don’t bother me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind!” Borrowed from the War on Some Drugs, now “Just Say No!” is the GOP mantra.
Meanwhile, among the heterosexual men and women serving in the U.S. armed forces, the incidence of rape, pregnancy, fraternization, dysfunction, abuse and sexually-transmitted disease increases. Sexual disruption? Welcome to the real world.
People with multiple personalities, post traumatic stress disorder, severe depression, ADD, OCD, and a host of other psychological disorders serve in the military every day of the week. And if they seek help, have trouble getting it.
So, just perhaps, singling out homosexuality as grounds for dismissal is lunacy, and an irrational form of discrimination at its worst. And that would make Senator John McCain a monster we might have actually elected President.
What is homophobia all about? Well, some folks claim it’s the very notion of the sexual acts themselves — anal sex, oral sex, etc. — but when you stop and think about it, as the comedienne Sarah Silverman does, the things straight people do to each other, “It’s all pretty GROSS!” So maybe that’s not the real rub, as it were…
In a recent dust-up here in Alameda over a curriculum to teach tolerance and lessen bullying of gay, lesbian and transgender kids, or the children of same sex couples, the charge and lawsuit was led by the religious right, including a Muslim fundamentalist and the infamous Central Baptist Church. One woman claimed in a letter to the editor that Jesus himself condemned homosexuality.
But I wrote the paper that she needs to brush up on her Bible history, because Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. He did say in one of his sermons, however, “Judge not, lest ye be judged accordingly.” So much for an appeal to scripture.
I’ve had among my friends gay people since high school, once had a gay roommate who became so close we went to movies together. I have two gay, married brothers-in-law at the moment, and enjoyed attending their wedding one summer at San Francisco City Hall. So I’m aware how normal they are, and how merely human as well.
I also “run a lot of female energy,” but have no uncertainties about my preferences. Beyond the sexual, my preference is that people would be more open-minded, more tolerant of our differences, Even in our advanced years, too, we can be lusty, not musty. And perhaps the more we enjoy life, the more willing we are to let others do the same.
Do tell…the bigots…Baby, you can just go to Hell!
©2010 Dennis Green
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