by Chief Lone Wolf
As a member of the Lakota tribe, I share the universal Native American resentment of European illegal immigrants and their descendents. They did not apply for citizenship, take a test, wait in long lines to qualify for our approval, pay us for our land or mineral rights, instead stole our land, the gold beneath it, slaughtered us and the great prairie herds of buffalo, and imprisoned the few tribal survivors on reservations, where they could neither hunt nor graze their ponies nor practice their nomadic way of life.
They made no effort to learn our language, our culture or our religion. Instead, they made every effort to impose their foreign (and often forked) tongue upon us. They stole our children, put them in Christian missionary schools, cut their hair, forbade the wearing of native dress or speaking of our language and the practice of any rituals of our culture and religion.
These illegal immigrants laid claim to “citizenship” by right of arms, and claimed that their European offspring, merely because they were born here, could be called “American.” Only very recently have they honored any of their promises in treaties signed with us, or shown any respect at all for our native customs.
They have even granted us the honorific, gratuitous title of “Native Americans.” Which suggests we might have been here first, and that they are not only late-comers, but the real illegal immigrants.
And their arrogance doesn’t stop there. Now there is a movement afoot called “The Tea Party” which promotes the slogans, “Close Our Borders!” and “No Amnesty!” One of their figurehead leaders is a woman who hails from Wasilla, Alaska, once the home of the noble Inuit tribe, but overrun by drunken gold miners from the south and eventually conscripted as a state of the union.
These people are intent on barring the return of any brown-skinned people to the continental United States. Although the territories of California and most of the seven western states were seized illegally and by force from those same people’s ancestors, their attempts to return are made the butt of jokes and threats. “Wetbacks” they are called, “Taco Belles” and “Beaners.”
The most lawless people on earth, white Americans, charge that these “illegal aliens” are breaking the law. Whose law? By what precedence? Many of those brown-skinned people are descended from the very tribes that once populated all of North and South and Central America, later their bloodlines fouled by the European Spanish conquerors, and later the French. Where is the justice in this?
“We stole this land fair and square!” is all the white settlers can say. “Might makes right.” “If you’re black, get back, but if you’re brown you can stick around to mow my lawn.” Brown-skinned “illegals” are the slave laborers of today. Liberated mothers paying their nannies $2.00 an hour.
And The Louisiana Purchase? From the French?
I only wish one of these Tea Party people would come upon my land. I haven’t taken a scalp in years! And as for this whole debate about immigration, and “illegals” I can tell you exactly who is the illegal alien. And for him, for them, for YOU…NO AMNESTY! No justice, no peace.
©2010 Chief Lone Wolf
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