Friday, July 9, 2010

American Idiots

by Dennis Green

Many Americans, perhaps even a majority, are convinced that our government, at all levels, is dysfunctional and corrupt. We no longer believe that our elected leaders truly represent us, we the people, or our best interests. Without a clear and solid sense of that representation, we vigorously resent the out-of-control taxation we are subjected to. “Taxation without representation!” we cry.

On the face of it, it seems obvious that our U.S. government is rife with corruption — corporate lobbyists calling the shots, funding election campaigns and receiving in return all the perks they want. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and BP’s record in this regard, simply drive home that point.

The $900 BILLION bailout for the banks and financial firms was simply the biggest tip-off. It reminded us all of the Chrysler bailout, the salvation of the Savings & Loan industry, and shortly after the Bush Bailout of “Too Big To Fail,” Obama continued the practice with Chevrolet, and then a Stimulus Package that favored public employee job creation over the private sector.

In an edition of the SF Chronicle, 6/4, there is a terrible revelation about how a posse of San Francisco City electricians bilked the taxpayers out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, but in truth, public employee service unions are doing that all the time. Bloated salaries and retirement benefits, bloated payrolls…a never-ending litany of WASTE in local, state and federal government is disgusting.

The assumptions behind our “tax and spend” system of government is corrupt and totally mistaken. The public good becomes the public trough where all the little piggies line up to take advantage of systems of government which have very little oversight, NO transparency or accountable management. In Alameda alone, millions of dollars in unfunded public employee retirement costs may just drive this little island city into bankruptcy and takeover by the state.

Spending money we don’t have…in our personal lives, we know full well the consequences of such profligate behavior. But in government, such practices are common — deferred maintenance, bloated and unjustified salaries, unfunded pension obligations — and it’s always we the people who get stuck with the bill. In Alameda, the failed attempt of “Alameda Power & Telecom” to compete with Comcast has created a $90 million dollar loss that will have to be made up by the ratepayers, and the taxpayers, somehow.

But we are sick and tired of behaving like “American Idiots,” just going along with every wasteful expenditure that these goofballs can come up with. “Gee, another rate increase, another parcel tax! Must be for a good reason!” Bullpucky!

And so, a taxpayer revolt is brewing that will make California’s Jarvis & Gann, and Prop. 13, severely limiting property taxes, look like a giveaway. We have had enough of this nonsense, of financing the piss-poor management of the schools, the power companies, redevelopment and city funding of impotent and unproductive business associations claiming to retain existing and attract new businesses, at a huge cost to taxpayers with no discernable return.

What a concept! Return on investment! Universal in the private sector and unheard of in the public environments. In Alameda, Leslie Little, Director of Development, awards subsidies to organizations such as PSBA, WABA, GABA and the Chamber of Commerce in the many hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, without any proven return on investment.

And now City Council member Lena Tam is under investigation for leaking privileged memos to developer SunCal and to the Fire Fighters union, undermining the City’s position in negotiating with both bodies. Over 400 pages of evidence have prompted calls for her resignation.

Such indiscretions are common in local government and of a far greater magnitude on the state and federal levels. And such universal mismanagement is never held accountable.

We do not have to perpetuate this American Idiocy! The first American Revolution was prompted by the resistance to taxes on tea by King George, and the Tea Party Rebellion. The current protest movement that takes its name from that movement doesn’t have a clear focus yet, but if it ever figures out what this resistance is really all about, LOOK OUT!

©2010 Dennis Green

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