A Young Man’s Game
by Dennis Green
There are many advantages to being an Elder of the Tribe, not the least of which is being exempt from “The Game.” The Game is also known as The Rat Race, and while I played rodentia racecara very well, I’m glad to be out of it, sitting not so much on the sidelines as in a reserved box seat, watching the action impassively.
Vying for the attention of the sweet young ladies is part of The Game, and that is much better played by young men, especially the feckless, those who are not attached to outcomes. For regardless of the outcome, even the young man knows that when he wakes up in the morning, he’ll still be all alone, and will love it that way!
But it isn’t love nor money I’m so thankful to be free of now. It’s politics. I still dabble from the sidelines in this game, which is not, as has been noted, Softball, but I don’t take any of it very seriously anymore. I know that regardless of who wins, just another rascal will be taking office in January.
For all of us, the entire species, is made up of Little Rascals — some in finance, some in education, some in marketing, but more in politics than anywhere else feel free to flaunt the Jolly Roger. And flaunt it they do. Only the politically naïve continue to believe it makes any difference which party, or even which individual, is in power.
“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Bring in those checks and balances! With any luck at all, we’ll get gridlock.
And I had a fascinating meeting with a younger man, Jeff Cambra, who is attempting to act as a mediator between the Alameda business community and the school district, gathering people together from business and asking them what sort of new tax proposal would be, in our eyes, fair.
“I don’t even use the word ‘Fair’ anymore,” Jeff says. “I call it ‘Equitable.’” And he smiles, even though I don’t appreciate his distinction.
I’m not exactly hostile to his views, but they confirm for me a deeper understanding of what I already know about politics. A) It’s a swirling, massive cloud of forces, some of them appealing to our rationality, some to our baser instincts and emotions, and everything in-between. B) A very few people can wag the dog, and usually do. NOT consensus, not GroupThink, but the inspired brilliance of a Mad Man or two!
And now that I’m too old and lame to walk the precincts, I think I know my place, sitting by the campfire, pushing twigs into the flames all night, letting my thoughts go where they will, but eventually to the Council of Elders — those players significant enough to understand and appreciate them. That’s why I’m NOT a Jacksonian Democrat! Or a Reagan “New Morning in America” Republican either!
Nope, I’m an Elder of the Tribe, hopelessly Independent and unfettered by sexual desire, ambition or partisanship. When they pass the Peace Pipe, my lips touch it first. And when they don the War Bonnet, mine is more colorful than all the rest!
I wish Jeff Cambra well, but I also know that he’s wasting his time. At least I didn’t let him waste mine. That’s a young man’s game, and I haven’t got time for the pain, haven’t got time for the waste bin, and haven’t got time for the illusions! And from that brief meeting, another epiphany!
©2010 Dennis Green
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